FY25 Award Round

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Conjoint Grant



To support and promote genuine collaborations between scientific researchers and clinical practitioners who are undertaking research, that demonstrably advances research towards improvements in OHNS clinical practice.

Term of award

Up to three (3) years


Applications require two Chief Investigators (CIA and CIB), one being a clinical practitioner and the other being a scientific researcher who holds a PhD, and/or is able to provide evidence of significant independent research experience. Applicants must demonstrate that a genuine collaboration between the CIA and CIB exists or is emerging.

A clinical practitioner and scientific researcher working in the same department may apply for a Conjoint Grant as Chief Investigators however, Applications with Chief Investigators from different departments and/or institutions will be viewed favourably.

The CIA and CIB must have the right to work in Australia or New Zealand (as appropriate).

Applicants must demonstrate that the proposed research will lead towards an improvement in patient care, diagnosis and/or treatment.

Projects that involve clinical translation will be considered; however those that involve commercialisation activities will be deemed ineligible.

Please read the Terms and Conditions of Award for all eligibility and ineligibility criteria.


a. For a three (3) year project, no more than AUD $450,000 all-inclusive;
b. For a two (2) year project, no more than AUD $300,000 all-inclusive; or
c. For a one (1) year project, no more than AUD $150,000 all-inclusive.

Further detail on Funding is available in the Terms and Conditions of Award.

How to apply

Applications are open during the annual Award Round (early July to late August), with outcomes being communicated in December. Applications must be submitted online via the Foundation's Applications Portal.

For further detail, see How to Apply.

Application requirements

Applications for Conjoint Grants must include:

  • Chief Investigator details (both CIA and CIB), including CVs
  • Research Plan
  • Budget (template provided)
  • Current grants/awards and applications pending or to be submitted within the year (CIA and CIB)
  • Signed Terms and Conditions of Award (proforma provided).

Additional requirements are specified in the Applications Portal form and Instructions for Applicants.

Applications are through the Application Portal. To register, please click here.

Supporting Documents

Conjoint Grant - Terms and Conditions of Award
Budget Template
Instructions for Applicants
Awards Documentation Glossary

Associated Awards


Apply now

Start the online application process by clicking the button below.

Apply Now

Applications open annually between early July and late August, with outcomes being announced in December.

Exceptions to this are: 1. Academic Surgeon-Scientist Research Scholarship: applications align with the SET application process. 2. Academic Surgeon-Scientist Fellowship: offered on a periodic basis. For more details, please email us. 3. Chairs in OHNS: for details on submitting a Chair in OHNS Proposal, please email us (