FY25 Award Round

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Frequently Asked Questions

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Application enquiry

  • Applicant Demographics: why are you asking for this information?

    This information is collected to assist the Foundation in better understanding the demography of applicants and assist in the objective of striving for better diversity and representation.

    Demographic information collected is for office use only, is not included in materials put forward to assessors and will not be visible after submission. Pronoun information will be used in communications with successful Applicants and, if relevant, in marketing materials.

    We collect and store data as per international privacy laws; Applicants may request their demographic information upon request, as per our Privacy Policy.

  • Are Application forms available to practice on before the Award Round?


    Application forms are only available during an open Award Round.

    Our online Portal allows you to save applications in progress as a draft. A draft application may be accessed and amended throughout the open Award Round before submitting. There is no limit to the number of draft applications that can be created. Drafts must be successfully submitted by the Award Round closure to be considered for assessment.

  • How many Applications may I submit in an Award Round?

    Application limits differ between Awards.

    Applicants may submit up to two (2) Applications for the Conjoint Grant and Clinical Research Grant (though only one per applicant can be awarded at any given time).

    The Senior Fellowship is limited to one Application per Institutional department.

    For all other Awards offered during an Award Round, there is no upper to the number of Applications that may be submitted by a single applicant – however – the Foundation recommends that no more than one application be submitted per Applicant for these schemes in any given Award Round.

    Please read the Terms and Conditions of Award for full details.

  • My application was unsuccessful. Could you provide feedback as to why?

    Whilst we’d love to provide additional feedback to unsuccessful applicants, the outcomes each year are often very dependent on:
    1. 1. the particular cohort (as opposed to anything specific that could have been improved in any one proposal, given many eligible proposals are high quality) and
    2. 2. available funding across all schemes

    As such, providing useful feedback that will result in an increased chance of success the following year is almost impossible. We appreciate your understanding.

  • Who assesses the Applications?

    The Foundation’s Board of Directors undertake the task of assessing Applications.

    Directors come from a range of medical and non-medical backgrounds – including outside of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery – as specified by the Foundation’s Trust Deed.

    Applications should be understandable by assessors who are not necessarily experts in the subject matter of the proposal and additional clarification beyond what is written in the Application should not be required.

  • Can/Should I share my Application with my Research Office?

    Applications (draft or submitted) may be exported as a .pdf, which an Applicant may choose to then share with Research Office staff.

    It is at the discretion of the Applicant whether or not they choose to share unique Portal login details with Research Office staff. As per our Privacy Policy, the Foundation will not share personal information such as Portal login details, nor force an Applicant to share this detail.

    Research Office staff may register for a Portal account to view blank Application forms during an Award Round.

  • How many CV pages can I include?

    CV requirements are detailed in the Instructions for Applicants. Be sure to read these thoroughly, as requirements are found in two key places:

    1. – General instructions, under Formatting Requirements
    2. – Scheme-specific instructions, under the Award for which you are applying.

    Download the Instructions for Applicants via our Award Pages.

  • I missed the deadline. Can I have an extension?

    Extensions will not be granted once the Award Round has closed. Applications submitted after the deadline are ineligible for assessment.

    Extensions may be considered for Applicants who have logged an issue with the office ahead of the Award Round deadline. Reasons may be:

    • Personal (eg: illness, accident)
    • Technical (eg: Portal crashes on University computer)
    • Administrative (eg: signatory staff member is on Leave)

    If you anticipate any issue which may impede timely submission of your Application, Log An Issue.

    We recommend submitting your application well before the Award Round deadline, in case you need to Log An Issue.

  • Must I supply a work/Institution email in my application?

    A work or Institution email is strongly encouraged, as it offers proof of eligibility and is preferred for official documentation and correspondence.

    If you do not currently hold a work or Institution email (or you are soon to be changing your Institution email), please advise the Foundation.

    For regular communications, you are welcome to advise the Foundation of a preferred email address.

  • Are referees required for my application?

    Largely, referee contact details will be required for scholarship and fellowship applicants.

    This information will be requested within the application form where required. Further details are noted in the Instructions for Applicants.

  • Who should I choose for my Referee(s)?

    Ideally a nominated Referee should be someone who themselves will not benefit (financially or otherwise) should the Applicant be successful. This includes the intended Supervisor.

    However, if the Applicant has a limited pool of appropriate Referees from which to choose, please note the chosen Referee(s) must declare any actual, potential or perceived conflict of interest within the Referee Form.

    The Foundation cannot advise you directly as to the appropriateness of your chosen Referees, however it is recommended that you seek Referees who can best speak to your experience, balanced against any actual or potential conflict of interest.

    See the ‘Information for Referees’ page of the Instructions for Applicants for further details.

  • What is an ORCID ID?

    From the ORCID website:

    “ORCID iD aims to enable transparent and trustworthy connections between researchers, their contributions, and their affiliations by providing a unique, persistent identifier for individuals to use as they engage in research, scholarship, and innovation activities.

    An ORCID iD is owned and controlled by the researcher, allowing them to add their professional information — affiliations, grants, publications, peer review, and more — and easily share this information with other systems. This ensures the researcher is recognised for all their contributions, saving time, hassle, and reducing the risk of errors.”

    Apply for an ORCID ID (free of charge) here:

  • Where is the application form for the Academic Surgeon-Scientist Research Scholarship/ Academic Surgeon-Scientist Fellowship/ Chair in OHNS

    These Awards sit outside of the annual Award Round, and do not use the online Portal application system. For more details, please see the relevant Award page:

    1. Academic Surgeon-Scientist Research Scholarship (ASSRS)
    2. Academic Surgeon-Scientist Fellowship (ASSF)
    3. Chair in OHNS

Award enquiry

  • How do I know if I'm eligible for an Award?

    We strongly advise reading the full Terms and Conditions of Award for the Award for which you intend to apply.

    Eligibility requirements are outlined within these Terms and Conditions of Award and are made available at the beginning of each Award Round.

  • Can funding from awards and grants go towards payment of salaries?

    Each of our our Awards has different requirements for allocation to expenditure. Please refer to the Terms and Conditions of Award, for the Award for which you wish to apply.

  • How is funding split over the course of the Award?

    Each Award has different funding requirements. Funding is disbursed annually according to the approved budget. Funding agreements for successful applicants will contain a payment schedule for the life of the Award.

    When applying for an Award, please check the Terms and Conditions of Award for the preferred Award, to find detail of funding available.

  • How does the Foundation define (eg: clinician/career break/commercialisation)?

    We provide definitions for many of our terms in the Awards Documentation Glossary.

    Find the Glossary for download via our Award pages.

  • May non-Australian/NZ citizens or permanent residents apply?

    Awards are on offer to Australian or New Zealand citizens, permanent residents (PR), and those who have the right to study/work in Australia and New Zealand. If you have applied for citizenship or permanent residency, please include detail of this in your application for consideration.

    Please refer to the award specific Terms and Conditions of Award for further detail.

  • My career stage sits in between two different fellowships. Which one do I choose?

    Choosing which fellowship for which to apply will ultimately depend upon your individual circumstances, achievements and career stage, and how well these align with each Award’s criteria.

    In such cases, we strongly encourage you to discuss with your proposed Administering Institution the fellowship that would best suit you, including salary expectations, as this is often a helpful guide to determining the most appropriate Award.

    If you choose to apply we also encourage you to include a clear explanation in your application regarding your career stage, including any career breaks/disruptions, to demonstrate your eligibility for your chosen award. The CV would be the appropriate place to include this justification.

  • Are Professors eligible to apply for a Senior Fellowship?

    The Senior Fellowship is intended to support the advancement of an outstanding individual’s career trajectory towards a Professorship. When on offer, Senior Fellowship Applications are limited to one per Administering Institution.

    As such, Applicants who already hold a Professor position are unlikely to be considered for a Senior Fellowship, though not ineligible to apply.


  • Can I send through required documents after I've submitted my application?

    All required documentation must be complete and uploaded before submitting. Incomplete applications will be deemed ineligible.

    Exceptions may be made for Applicants whose research includes non-AU/NZ components. Please contact the office via the Contact Us form as soon as possible with any concerns.

  • My Letter of Offer will not arrive until after the Award Round. How can I confirm my eligibility?

    For Awards where a Letter of Offer is required as part of the application, please include a signed letter from the nominated supervisor, with as much detail as possible in support of the applicant’s likelihood to receive an offer, including the date the Institution confirms offers to candidates.

  • What is a Letter of Offer?

    A Letter of Offer is an offer of admission from the proposed Administering Institution, into a Doctor of Philosophy program.

    The letter should be on the proposed Administering Institution’s official letterhead, and signed by an appropriately authorised representative. It should confirm the candidate’s name, the offer of admission into a Doctor of Philosophy program, and date of commencement (month/year).

  • What kind of signature will be accepted in application documents?

    We encourage a paper-free application, which includes digital signatures.

    Both digital and written signatures are acceptable methods when signing your Terms & Conditions supporting document, as part of your application.

  • Where can the Instructions for Applicants be found?

    The Instructions for Applicants document is made available during an open Award Round via:

    1. The online Portal, under “Supporting Documentation”
    2. Award Pages

    It is essential that applicants fully read and follow these instructions. Failure to comply with these instructions may result in an application being ineligible for assessment

  • Where are the Terms and Conditions of Award?

    Terms and Conditions of Award are made available during an open Award Round via:

    1. The online Portal, under “Supporting Documentation”
    2. Award Pages

    Please note that terms and conditions vary between each Award.


  • I cannot submit my application on the Portal. What do I do?

    The following checks should first be conducted to ensure a user error is not the cause:

    1. 1. Ensure all form fields are completed
    2. 2. Ensure all Supporting Documents (attachments) are uploaded and in the correct format
    3. 3. Read the Instructions for Applicants for further guidance

    If, after all user error checks, you are still having problems submitting, Log an Issue, using one of the three methods provided in the Instructions for Applicants.

    You will receive an email confirming your issue has been logged and the office will aim to resolve your issue as soon as they are able. Issues logged after the Award Round closure will not receive assistance.

    If you do not receive a confirmation email that your issue was logged, please check your spam folder.

    Office opening hours: Mon-Thurs, 9am-5pm

  • I made a mistake in my submitted application. How do I fix it?

    No further edits are permitted following submission of an Application.

    If the Award Round is still open, you may submit a new Application.

    You may also request that your previous application not be considered for assessment. Use the Contact Us form, subject “APPLICATION/PORTAL: Log an issue”

  • I've not received a confirmation email, after submitting my application.

    Firstly, please ensure the email has not been filtered into spam. If this is not the case, you must Log an Issue with the Foundation, using one of the three methods provided in the Instructions to Applicants.

    You will receive an email confirming your issue has been logged and the office will aim to resolve your issue as soon as they are able. Issues logged after the Award Round closure will not receive assistance.

    If you do not receive a confirmation email that your issue was logged, please check your spam folder.

    Office opening hours: Mon-Thurs, 9am-5pm

  • The website keeps crashing / I can't connect to the Portal

    The Portal will automatically block users whose activity seems suspicious. Two key triggers are:

    • Typing in a password incorrectly too many times
    • Having an unstable internet connection

    If you have experienced the above, please wait an hour and try the Portal again.

    If you continue to experience difficulties accessing the Foundation website during an open Award Round, please notify us as soon as possible.

    Complete the Contact Us form, selecting “APPLICATIONS/PORTAL: Log An Issue” as the subject line. Include as much information as possible, such as timestamps, IP address details and screenshots of error messages.

    If you cannot access our website at all, please email

  • Why can't I use the same filename/Project Title?

    Each Application in the Portal should be unique.

    As such, the Portal does not support multiple files with the same filename; if you upload a file with the same filename as one previously uploaded, the Portal will add a digit to the end of its filename. This is still a valid filename.

    The Portal will also not support multiple Applications with the same Project Title. If you use the same Project Title for multiple Applications, the Portal will automatically delete older versions from your Dashboard.

    For assistance with deleted or missing Applications, please Log An Issue as per the Instructions for Applicants.

Can’t find the question you want answered? Contact Us.