FY25 Award Round

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Dr. Jacob Pogson

Dr. Jacob Pogson

Dr Jacob Pogson was awarded a BA in 2011 from The University of Sydney, a MClinAudiology in 2013 from Macquarie University, and a PhD (Medicine) in 2019 from The University of Sydney.

Jacob’s PhD supervisors were A/Professor Miriam Welgampola and Professor G. Michael Halmagyi, under whom he studied the normal and abnormal vestibulo-ocular reflex and saccades using the recently developed video head impulse test.

Prior to his PhD, Jacob’s interest in the vestibular system was sparked by E/Prof Ian Curthoys and Dr. Daniel Brown, for whom he worked for several years as a research assistant.

In 2019 Jacob moved to the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore, Maryland, United States to commence a postdoctoral fellowship with Professor David Zee and Assist. Prof. Bryan Ward to study vestibular adaptation using the recently discovered magnetic vestibular stimulation technique.

External links:

Other GPRWMF awards received by awardee Year
Junior FellowshipThe effect of fluid volume on vestibular function and adaptation in Meniere’s disease2020