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A/Prof. Payal Mukherjee

A/Prof. Payal Mukherjee

A.Prof Payal Mukherjee is an Adult and Paediatric ENT Surgeon subspecialising in Ear Surgery, Cochlear Implantation and lateral Skull Base Surgery. She is a leader in Ear Bionics research such as 3D printed and Bioprinted medical devices and Cochlear Implants with a focus on global translation of Australian innovation in biotechnology.

She is the chair of Royal Australasian College of Surgeons NSW state committee, deputy chair of CHASM (Collaborative hospital audit of statewide mortality), an executive member of the Section of Academic Surgery, a committee member of the Research and Evaluation of ASERNIPS (Australian Safety and Efficacy Register of New Interventional Procedures in Surgery) and the Innovation Lead at the RPA Institute of Academic Surgery. She is also a committee member on the Advisory Committee on Medical Devices of the TGA (Therapeutic Goods Administration)

She is passionate about gender equity in surgery as well as developing STEMM skills in young girls. She was a finalist of the NSW Premier Women of the year 2019.

Other GPRWMF awards received by awardee Year
Special Project GrantBeyond Science2022
Conjoint GrantBio-printed adipose derived stem cells for engineering vascularized bone tissue within an in vivo bioreactor2023