FY25 Award Round

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2022 Garnett Passe Memorial Lecture

July 1, 2022 Event

After delays due to the global pandemic, the Garnett Passe Memorial Lecture was finally presented on 6th May 2022, at the Royal Society of Medicine (RSM) in London by Clinical Associate Professor Raewyn Campbell.

Established in 1996, the biennial lecture is presented at the RSM in London by a prestigious speaker selected by the Passe & Williams Foundation. The lecture is in honour and memory of Garnett Passe, who established his otolaryngological career and international reputation in London, and is addressed to RSM fellows of Laryngology and Rhinology.

Raewyn was selected to present on her insightful research into surgical orthopaedics, an area woefully under-researched. Her research shows that despite work-related injuries reducing all over the world, in healthcare, they’re escalating. In surgery, this is often due to poor ergonomics of the surgical environments, where surgeons might perform operations in the one position for hours at a time.

With a background as a Rhinologist and Endoscopic Skull Base Surgeon, Raewyn is no stranger to the injuries surgeons face at work. Surgeons in particular face having careers cut short due to work-sustained musculoskeletal injuries.

Originally looking at the impact ergonomics has on Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) sinus and skull-based surgery, Raewyn’s research will no doubt have impact on other surgical sub-specialties, the findings of which may literally change the way surgeons operate worldwide.


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