GPRWMF Awardee Dr Rebecca Lim is one of thirteen recipients of a Research Advantage ‘Women in Research Fellowship’ at the University of Newcastle.
Rebecca has a number of goals she would like to achieve during 2018 following receipt of her Fellowship. She will examine balance function in diabetic patient groups which tend to have an increased risk of falls, with an overall aim of determining how balance is affected by diabetes and where the problem originates. Rebecca will also advance an emerging collaboration with the Centre for Organic Electronics (COE), through which she aims to develop an interface between organic electronics and nerve cells to replace or repair cells of the nervous system that have been injured or diseased.
Since 2010 Rebecca has been the named investigator on two GPRWMF awards, together worth over $460,000. Many congratulations to Rebecca from everyone at the Foundation, for this well-deserved achievement.
External link: University of Newcastle announcement