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Celebrating 30 Years: a new face

February 23, 2022 Announcement

For its 30th anniversary celebrations, the Foundation is excited to launch a brand new logo.

Now known as the Passe & Williams Foundation, this updated branding represents the modernisation of our organisation, whilst still respecting our origins.

Our Coat of Arms and full name will continue to be used for official documentation, with the logo being used for everyday activities and communications.

Look closely and you’ll see a face with a line connecting the Ear, Nose and Throat. An arrow in the background represents progress; the lower left-hand shape a rework of the Coat of Arms triquetra, representing our three founding figures: Barbara Williams, Garnett Passe and Rodney Williams.

For more on the Founders and Foundation story, head to Our Story.

Thank you to Jo Ryan from Socket to Me for working with us to create this new look.

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