To enable outstanding individuals to obtain postdoctoral (or equivalent) training under the supervision of an experienced clinical or scientific researcher, with the view to establishing a research career in OHNS in Australia and/or New Zealand.
Term of award
Up to two (2) years, full time.
An Applicant must be a qualified scientist, fully qualified surgeon or equivalent clinical specialist who has the right to study and/or work in Australia or New Zealand (as appropriate).
Applicants would usually be no more than five (5) years post-doctoral, or have equivalent research experience, at the time of application.
Individuals who currently hold a similar fellowship must relinquish that fellowship to accept a Junior Fellowship.
Individuals who have previously held and received funding for a GPRW Junior Fellowship or its predecessor the GPRW Research Training Fellowship, are ineligible for this Award.
Please read the Terms and Conditions of Award for all eligibility and ineligibility criteria.
A stipend based between the NH&MRC Emerging Leadership Level 1 and Emerging Leadership Level 2 rates, commensurate with postdoctoral (or equivalent) contributions and experience.
A supplementary allowance of no more than AUD $15,000 per annum for minor items of equipment, consumables and conference attendance.
Further detail on Funding is available in the Terms and Conditions of Award.
How to apply
Applications are open during the annual Award Round (early July to late August), with outcomes being communicated in December. Applications must be submitted online via the Foundation's
Applications Portal.
For further detail, see
How to Apply.
Application requirements
Applications for Junior Fellowships must include:
- Applicant details, including CV
- Proposed Administering Institution, intended Head of Department and intended Supervisor
- Research Plan
- Details of two (2) professional Referees
- Signed Terms and Conditions of Award (proforma provided).
Additional requirements are specified in the Applications Portal form and Instructions for Applicants.
Applications are through the Applications Portal. To register, please click here.