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Jarryd Boath

Jarryd Boath

Jarryd Boath completed his BSc at RMIT University, graduating with 1st Class Honours. He received the Vice-Chancellor’s List Award for Academic Excellence. During his undergraduate studies, Jarryd developed a keen interest in cancer biology and more specifically, in the molecular events that underpin tumour initiation. Under the supervision of Dr Shukla at RMIT, he mastered mammalian cell culture and molecular techniques for his research. His work further utilised the cutting-edge Australian Synchrotron’s Imaging and Medical Beamline to study the anti-tumour effect of green tea functionalised gold nanoparticles.

In 2019, Jarryd was employed as a research assistant within the laboratory of Dr Unnithan at the University of Melbourne. There he contributed to a multidisciplinary project that brought together engineers, computer science and biology researchers for the translation of 3D printed sensors into biomedical applications.

More recently, Jarryd has enrolled as a PhD student in the laboratory of Dr Darido at the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre. His project “predicting the development of oral cancer” is using unique mouse models to pinpoint oral tumour initiating events. Jarryd’s ultimate goal is to translate molecular insights in mice into new means of preventing and treating this disease, which causes much mortality and morbidity worldwide.

Other GPRWMF awards received by awardee Year
Research ScholarshipPredicting the development of oral cancer2020