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Dr. Markus Dahm

Dr Markus Christoph Dahm

Dr. Markus Dahm (MD, PhD, FRACS) is an ENT specialist with a special interest in Paediatric ENT, Otology, and Allergy.  He completed medical school in Aachen, Germany and went on to receive a research scholarship, which he and his team used to investigate the safety of Paediatric Cochlear Implants, which was later approved by the FDA in 1992.

Markus completed his PhD in “Experimental and Clinical Studies to assess the Risk and Efficacy of Early Childhood Cochlear Implantation” at Humboldt University located in Berlin. Since then he has worked in Melbourne as an Otolaryngologist and has undertaken several roles as an ASOHNS specialist training supervisor and selector, and a lecturer in Melbourne and Germany. He has conducted over 1000 cochlear implants in his career and has over 20 peer-reviewed publications in the field of ENT.

Other GPRWMF awards received by awardee Year
Grant-In-Aid (Supplementation)Bionic Ear Temporal Bone Bank2011
Conjoint GrantDetecting and ameliorating the impact of neural dead regions in cochlear implant users2020