Congratulations to current Awardee Associate Professor Andrew Wise, and his colleagues Mr Patrick Lam, Ms Ella Trang and Dr Niki Gunewardene, on taking first-place in the Association for Research in Otolaryngology’s 2020 Photo Contest.
The annual contest accepts submissions from all sub-specialties of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, showcasing the beauty, intricacy, and sometimes the oddity of microscopic worlds that exist in labs across the globe. Andrew and his colleagues’ winning photo highlights the world of otology, showing an auditory neuron (green) and supporting glial cells (red) which play a key role in the auditory system.
“Hearing impairment can result from damage to the auditory neurons within the inner ear.” says Andrew. “The administration of growth factors to the inner ear can protect the neurons from damage and promote their repair.” This research was undertaken at the Bionics Institute, where they are developing new technology to administer growth factors in order to treat hearing loss in people.
Congratulations again to Andrew, Patrick, Ella and Niki!
External link: Link to the ARO website